Logical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies

In this page you'll find a list of all the logical fallacies I could find. Feel free to message me if I've forgotten any. I'd like to be able to refer others to these in non-video format. Also, depsite trying to service mobile phone viewers with simple reactive css design, I have to apologize, your viewing experience will be awful and I've decided to maintain that you're a second class citizen here. Attempting to support all formats goes against some of the ethos of the design of this website, with as minimal javascript as necessary.
Ad Hominem
Affirming the Consequent
Affirming the Disjunct
Ambiguity Fallacy
Anecdotal Fallacy
Appeal to Accomplishment
Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Consequence
Appeal to Emotion
Appeal to Ignorance
Appeal to Nature
Appeal to Novelty
Appeal to the Stone
Appeal to Tradition
Association Fallacy
Burden of Proof
Cherry Picking
Chronological Snobbery
Circular Reasoning
Circumstantial Ad Hominem
Composition Fallacy
Continuum Fallacy
Courtier's Reply
Definists Fallacy
Denying the Antecedent
Division Fallacy
Ecological Fallacy
Entitled to my Opinion Fallacy
Etymological Fallacy
Fallacy Fallacy
Fallacy of the Single Cause
False Cause
False Dichotomy
False Equivalence
Faulty Analogy
Genetic Fallacy
Hasty Generalization
Historian's Fallacy
Ignoratio Elenchi
Incomplete Comparison
Inflation of Conflict